Remember that time I started a 365 days of photos project and abandoned it after a little over a month? Me either, I guess we can't all be as awesomely dedicated as my mom, who is now onto her second 365 day photo project. But just because I gave up on taking and posting a photo each day doesn't mean I didn't take plenty of photos all year.
I learned a lot after sifting through all of my photos. The first one being that the photos I thought I'd hated after looking at them on the tiny little screen on the camera look so much better on the computer. Also it seems I really like taking photos of myself.
What are my plans for the blog this year? Well, there are two main things really. I plan on posting something once a week, something I've been trying to do but haven't been succeeding at. And the other thing is finding a place in this damn house to take photos of myself so I can finally post all of those posts I've written but haven't gotten up yet because I lack adequate photos.
You are a much more CREATIVE photographer than your MOM. She hates to take photos of herself. Love this!
I don't think I'd ever say that... but thanks!